SVTC Junior Registration Form pdf
SVTC Junior Registration Form doc
During the summer season (ie School Term 4 & Term 1), Stokes Valley Tennis Club offers professional junior coaching to our junior members on Saturday mornings. This is run with our friends at Evolve Tennis Coaching.
Coaching this 2021/2022 season is expected to run from:
Term 4 : mid September – mid December 2021 & Term 1: early February – early April 2022
Session Times
Hot Shots Beginners (5 – 7yrs plus) using red and orange level balls: 9am – 10am
Beginners and Early interclub players & new teenagers: 10am – 11am
Advanced players (9-11yrs plus) 11am – noon
- As juniors are transitioning between levels they are welcome to attend two different sessions until they feel ready to settle into the higher group.
- Please remember drink bottles, hats and sunscreen. Iceblocks/icepops are usually available to purchase.
Parents are invited to have fun supporting the kids and the coach: tossing balls, handing out treats, selling ice-blocks or just joining in!
In the event of poor weather, a decision to cancel Saturday training will be made around 8am Saturday morning and a message posted on our Facebook page. So if unsure, please check our page around then.
Stokes Valley Tennis Club thank all the amazing sponsors of our tennis coaching programme: